Purchasing a new home is a big investment and we want to help protect it. As a homeowner, you purchase homeowner’s insurance to guarantee your home’s safety. As a builder, we offer a warranty to guarantee the quality of our craftsmanship and the appliances selected for your new home.


Our 2-10 Warranty covers major systems and appliances and offers the benefits of security and convenience. The warranty system is included with the purchase of your new home and comes with a network of more than 10,000 pre-approved, licensed and bonded contractors.


We are also proud to offer a personalized and simplistic claims process, with your choice of an online submission or a more personalized phone call. As a final perk, you don’t receive a bill.

The comprehensive 2-10 HBW warranty covers most common items that require repair, including: air conditioning and heating systems that fail to maintain the manufacturers requirements, electrical wiring and some fixtures, plumbing piping and some fixtures, and faulty installation of your kitchen appliances such as refrigerator, oven or stove, dishwasher, etc. See below for a comprehensive interactive view of what is covered when you purchase a Verde home.